

Terms of Use

Cube Seventeen Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") hereby enters into the following agreement with service users (hereinafter referred to as "members," "clients," or "users") regarding the provision of NeXways services.

1. General provisions

The purpose of these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as ‘Terms and Conditions’) is to stipulate the subscription conditions and all matters related to use and other necessary matters regarding the provision and use of ‘Services’ between ‘Members’ and ‘Company’.

(1) The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.

- ‘Member’ or ‘Customer’ refers to a user who agrees to these Terms and Conditions and uses the Service.

- ‘Use Agreement’ refers to all agreements concluded between the company and members in relation to the use of the service, including these Terms and Conditions.

(2) Among the terms used in these Terms and Conditions, terms not specified in Paragraph 1 shall be governed by relevant laws and service-specific guidance, and other than that, general commercial practices shall apply.

① The information subject may exercise his or her rights to view, correct, delete, or suspend processing of personal information at any time against Cube Seventeen Co., Ltd.

② The exercise of rights under Paragraph 1 may be done in writing, e-mail, FAX, etc. in accordance with Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act to Cube Seventeen Co., Ltd. We will take action on this without delay.

③ The exercise of rights under Paragraph 1 may be done through an agent, such as the information subject's legal representative or a person authorized to do so. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney in accordance with the form in Annex No. 11 of the “Notice on Personal Information Processing Methods (No. 2020-7).”

④ Requests to view and suspend personal information processing may limit the information subject's rights pursuant to Article 35, Paragraph 4 and Article 37, Paragraph 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

⑤ Requests for correction or deletion of personal information cannot be requested if the personal information is specified as the subject of collection in other laws and regulations.

⑥ Cube Seventeen Co., Ltd. confirms whether the person making the request, such as a request for viewing, a request for correction or deletion, or a request for suspension of processing, is the person or a legitimate agent in accordance with the information subject rights.

The matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations, such as the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Electronic Transactions Basic Act, the Electronic Signature Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Act on Door-to-Door Sales, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., as well as detailed service usage guidelines set by the company.

2. Conclusion of service agreement

(1) Customers who wish to become members of NeXways apply for membership by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions and the separate ‘Personal Information Protection Policy’ through the membership registration process established by NeXways.

(2) Users who wish to sign up as members must provide all information requested by the company (user ID, password, name, date of birth, gender, contact information, etc.).

(3) All members must provide their own information to use the service, and members who have not registered their true information, such as by stealing other people's information or registering false information, cannot claim any rights in relation to the use of the service. You cannot and may be punished according to relevant laws.

(4) You can only sign up for membership using your true information, and the company may take steps to verify the information registered by the member. Members must actively cooperate with the company's verification measures, and if they do not comply, the company may treat the information registered by the member as fraudulent.

(5) The company may differentiate use by categorizing members' usage time, number of uses, costs, service menus, etc.

(6) The membership contract is established when NeXways approves it.

① Members may request withdrawal of membership at any time by a method determined by NeXways, such as email or writing, and NeXways will promptly process membership withdrawal upon the member's request.

② If a member falls under any of the following items, NeXways may revoke membership.

  • If false information is registered when applying for membership
  • If the member does not fulfill the payment for goods or services purchased using NeXways or other debts or responsibilities borne by the member in relation to the use of NeXways within the due date.
  • In case of threatening the electronic transaction order, such as interfering with another person's use of NeXways or stealing the information.
  • If it is deemed inappropriate to maintain membership, such as violating the Terms and Conditions or related laws or engaging in behavior that is against public order and morals.

③ If a member dies, membership is lost on the date of the member's death.

(1) The company strives to protect members’ personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Relevant laws and the company's personal information protection policy apply to the protection and use of personal information. However, the company's privacy policy does not apply to linked sites other than the company's official site. In addition, members must strictly manage their passwords, etc., so that they are not exposed to others, and the company is not responsible for information exposed due to the member's fault.

(2) NeXways collects personal information for the following purposes in order to provide optimal customized services to members.

  1. (Collection items of personal information)
    • Required items: name, date of birth, gender, email address, (mobile) phone number, address
    • Other optional items: Materials to provide personalized service
  2. (Purpose of personal information collection and use)
    • Member management: Verification of identity according to the use of membership services, personal identification, prevention of fraudulent use by delinquent members and prevention of unauthorized use, confirmation of intention to join, age verification, confirmation of consent of legal representative when collecting personal information of children under 14 years of age, complaint handling, etc. Handling civil complaints, delivering notices
    • Used for surveys, marketing and advertising: development and specialization of new services (products), delivery of advertising information such as events, provision of services and posting of advertisements according to demographic characteristics, statistics on members’ service use

(3) If a member dies, membership is lost on the date of the member's death.

(1) The company, in principle, approves the use of the service in the order of receipt when there is no problem in business performance or technology regarding applications for use pursuant to the provisions of Articles 5 and 6.

(2) The company may withhold approval in the following cases.

  • In case of application for use without providing your true information
  • If the application is made for the purpose of violating laws or disrupting social well-being, order, and morals
  • If you intend to use this service for unlawful purposes
  • If you are an applicant in competition with the service
  • If you are applying as a user whose service contract has been terminated due to violation of laws or terms and conditions
  • If you apply in violation of any other prescribed matters

(3) If an application for service use falls under any of the following items, the company may withhold approval of the application until the reasons for restricting approval are resolved.

  • If the company does not have sufficient facilities
  • If there are technical difficulties on the part of the company
  • If it is difficult for the company to approve the use due to other attributable reasons of the company

(4) If the applicant for use is a minor as defined by the relevant laws and regulations, the company may withhold approval in accordance with the guidance specified for each service.

(5) After completing the membership registration process, the company may revoke approval for use if the reasons specified in each subparagraph of (2) are discovered.

3. Obligations and notices of business operators/users regarding caller ID registration/management, prevention of illegal registration, etc.

(1) To prevent the forgery of sender numbers, the company provides/operates a pre-registration service for sender numbers through number authentication.

(2) To prevent fraudulent registrations using another person's identity when customers sign up, the company provides/operates identity verification services through authentication methods provided by identity verification service providers or through face-to-face authentication.

(3) After members (customers) have completed the pre-registration of sender numbers and the identity verification process, the company provides services.

(1) Members (customers) must use the service after pre-registering the calling number through number authentication to prevent alteration of the calling number.

(2) To prevent fraudulent registration, members (client companies) must use the service after verifying their identity using the authentication method provided by the identity verification service provider to prevent fraudulent registration.

(3) Members (client companies) must apply in advance for the mobile phone number or phone number they wish to use as a calling number through the website provided by the company.

(4) The company can verify whether the mobile phone number or phone number applied by the user is in the name of the member (client company) through methods such as mobile phone identity verification or communication service usage certificate.


The basis and measures for processing are as follows.

- Pursuant to Article 4, Article 5, and Article 7 of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (Regarding the prevention of damage to users caused by falsely displayed phone numbers), the company's line may be suspended for users who have sent a falsely displayed phone number. there is.

(1) In order to comply with relevant laws (Telecommunications Business Act, Information and Communications Network Act), the company may block message transmission in the following cases:.

  • If the message sent by the user is included in the spoofed number blocking list managed by the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)
  • If messages are sent to numbers requested to be blocked by the Ministry of Science and ICT or the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)
  • Communication records blocked for the above reasons will be retained for a minimum of 1 year under the Telecommunications Business Act.

(2) For smooth operation of the service, the company may limit the number of messages allowed to be transmitted or the range of transmission time allowed for messages requested from users, and may limit the number of retransmissions for individual messages.

(1) If a user falls under any of the following, the company may suspend the use of the service for a period of one month.

  • If government agencies such as the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Korea Communications Commission, or the Korea Internet & Security Agency confirm illegal spam transmission or spoofed sender number, and request suspension of service.
  • If the user sends messages by spoofing with any other arbitrary number other than the pre-registered sender phone number.
  • If the advertisements sent by the user cause or may cause hindrance to the company's service provision.
  • If recipients of the advertisements sent by the user report them as illegal spam.
  • If the service provided to the user is being used for illegal spam transmission.

(2) To protect the user's information, IDs with no service usage for more than 12 months are classified as dormant accounts and automatically processed for withdrawal. Notice will be posted on the homepage 30 days prior to withdrawal.

(3) In case the company suspends service usage according to the provisions of paragraph 1, the company notifies the user of the fact, and if the user's contact information is invalid, the relevant information will be posted on the homepage for 30 days. However, if it is difficult to give prior notice, the company may notify the user after the suspension of service usage.

(4) The user may raise objections to the company within 30 days from the date of suspension of service usage, and the company, after receiving the objection, will notify the user of the result in writing or by other means within 15 days from the date of receiving the objection, following the deliberation of a committee composed of experts.

(5) If there are valid reasons acknowledged by the company for the objections raised by the suspended user, the company may lift the suspension of service usage. If there are no objections within 30 days after the notification of service suspension, or if there are no valid reasons for the objections, the company may terminate the service contract.

The user is responsible for managing the use of the service, and the user is solely responsible for all consequences and accidents resulting from negligent management, unauthorized use, or fraudulent use.

(1) The company shall assign a user ID to members in accordance with the provisions of the terms and conditions.

(2) User IDs are generally not changeable, and if there is an unavoidable reason to change, the user must terminate the existing ID and re-register.

(3) The user ID of NeXways may be linked to the member ID of sites operated by the company or its subsidiaries with the member's consent.

(4) User IDs may be changed or usage may be suspended at the request of the member or at the discretion of the company under the following conditions:

  • If the user ID is registered using a phone number or date of birth, which may infringe upon privacy.
  • If the user ID gives rise to disgust or violates public decency.
  • If the user ID is identical to or similar to the name of the company, the company's service, or the service operator, raising concerns of confusion or mistaken identity.
  • If there are other reasonable grounds.

(5) The responsibility for managing the user ID and password lies with the member. The member is responsible for any damages incurred from negligent management, unauthorized use by third parties, etc., and the company shall not be liable for such responsibilities.

(6) Other matters related to the management and modification of member's personal information are subject to the guidance provided for each service.

4. Obligations of Contracting Parties

(1) The company provides the 'Service' year-round, unless there are operational or technical disruptions. However, regular or irregular inspection times conducted for the stabilization of the 'Service' may result in its suspension.

(2) In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as failures of mobile carriers or the company's 'Service' systems, causing the 'Service' to be interrupted, the company shall notify the customers via telephone or web page and take the best measures for recovery.

(3) The company may not disclose or distribute the information of 'Members' obtained in relation to the service provision to third parties without prior consent. However, this shall not apply if requested by relevant authorities for investigative purposes under the laws or upon request from the Korea Internet & Security Agency, for example.

(1) Members are obliged to pay the fees determined by the company as consideration for using the 'Service,' and members are responsible for all issues arising from non-payment of service usage fees.

(2) When applying for membership registration or updating member information, members must provide all information based on facts and as their true information. If false or other people's information is registered, members cannot claim any rights related to it.

(3) Members must immediately inform the company of any changes to contract details such as address, contact information, and email address through the appropriate procedures.

(4) The company is not responsible for the results of business activities conducted by members using this service. Furthermore, if the company incurs damages due to illegitimate business activities such as spam messages conducted by members, members are obliged to compensate the company for damages, and the company may restrict the member's service usage and claim damages through proper procedures. (Key regulations on telephone spam under the Information and Communication Network Act)

  • If sending commercial information for profit-making purposes to customers without prior consent (excluding cases where non-profit-making 'services' are transmitted).
  • If sending commercial information for profit-making purposes to customers during nighttime hours (from 9 PM to 8 AM the next day) without separate consent.
  • If failing to indicate the sender's name, contact information, and method of revoking consent when sending commercial information for profit-making purposes.
  • If causing the recipient to bear the cost when revoking consent for receiving messages.

(5) Members must comply with the provisions stipulated in the terms and conditions, as well as other regulations established by the company, notices, etc., announced by the company, and relevant laws and regulations. Members must not engage in acts that disrupt the company's business, damage the company's reputation, or harm others.

(6) Without explicit consent from the company, members may not transfer or donate their rights to use the service or any other status under the service agreement to others, nor may they provide them as collateral.

(7) Members must not infringe upon the rights of the company or third parties, including intellectual property rights, nor engage in acts corresponding to the items listed in Article 18.

(8) Members must ensure that the phone number list obtained by the recipients of the 'Service' is obtained through legal procedures and is not a Spam list. Members bear all responsibility for messages (SMS, MMS, LMS), surveys, or voting SMS-URLs sent by members to phone number lists obtained through unlawful procedures.

5. Use of Service

(1) Service usage operates year-round, 24 hours a day, unless there are special operational or technical disruptions by the company. However, the company may temporarily suspend the service on the days or times designated by the company for system regular inspections, expansion, or replacement, and any planned service interruptions due to scheduled tasks will be notified in advance through NeXways.

(2) In cases of urgent system inspections, expansion or replacement, equipment failure, overwhelming usage of the service, national emergencies, power outages, or other unavoidable circumstances, the company may temporarily suspend all or part of the service without prior notice.

(3) If necessary for service operation, such as service restructuring, the company may suspend all or part of the service after notifying members in advance.

(1) The procedures for receiving and processing user complaints are implemented as follows.

  • Complaints can be submitted via landline phone or email.
  • In principle, complaints are handled immediately by calling the operator directly, and complaints received by email or in writing are processed within 24 hours (or 72 hours).
Form of Complaint Type Cause Processing Procedure Processing Time
Service-related Communication Failure Company's Fault Apology to the customer and quality improvement Immediately/1 day
Company's Fault Apology to the customer and quality improvement Immediately/1 day
System Failure Attributable to the Customer (Member) Explanation to the customer Immediately/1 day
Fee-related Billing Dispute Company's Fault Prior to Billing: Request for No Charge Immediately/1 day
After Billing: Refund Immediately/1 day
Attributable to the Customer (Member) Explanation to the customer Immediately/1 day
Other Complaints-related Other Disputes Company/Customer (Member) Fault Apology to the customer and quality improvement Immediately/3 days
Explanation to the customer

(2) The company values ​​customer opinions and will do its best to provide prompt and accurate responses to inquiries.

(3) The company operates a customer center as follows:

  • Phone Number: 1644-8974 (Weekdays) 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays)
  • Fax Number: 050-4490-6945
  • Email: office@quve.kr
  • Address: 4th Floor, Jeongho Building, 133 Dogok-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

(4) Standard Q&A inquiries and those received via email will be sincerely answered within 24 hours (or 72 hours). However, responses may be slightly delayed after working hours, on weekends, or on public holidays.

(5) For reporting or counseling regarding other personal information, please contact the following organizations:

- Cases where service provision is impossible: Natural disasters, system (communication) failures and inspections, service transfer and termination (suspension), etc.

(1) In cases where service provision is impossible excluding natural disasters, etc., the company notifies members (customers) in advance or provides post-guidance.

(2) In cases where service provision is impossible excluding natural disasters, etc., if the company discontinues the service without prior notice (guidance), members (customers) can claim compensation and discounts for damages incurred.

(3) When the company intends to suspend or terminate all or part of the business, it notifies members (customers) of the details via email, website, etc., 30 days prior to the planned suspension or termination date.

(1) "Postings" refer to the text, photos, various files, links, etc., posted by members while using the service.

(2) If a member's postings or content registered on the service cause damage or other issues to themselves or third parties, the member shall be responsible for it, and the company shall not be liable for it unless there are special circumstances.

(3) The company may take temporary suspension, modification, deletion, movement, or refusal to register related to postings without prior consent of the member under the following conditions:

  • If the content severely defames or damages the honor of other members or third parties
  • If the content disseminates or links to materials that violate public order and morality
  • If the content promotes illegal reproduction or hacking
  • If the content is objectively deemed to be associated with crimes
  • If the content infringes on the copyrights or other rights of other users or third parties
  • If the content contains personal political or religious judgments that the company deems inappropriate for the service
  • If the content violates the posting principles set by the company or is inappropriate for the bulletin board
  • If the content is deemed to violate other relevant laws and regulations

(4) If the company receives a request for suspension of posting from a third party due to reasons such as defamation of honor, infringement of intellectual property rights, etc., the company may temporarily suspend the posting (transmission) accordingly. The company shall follow any decisions made by relevant authorities, lawsuits, agreements, or similar decisions between the requester and the poster regarding the matter.

(5) If a posting is temporarily suspended, the member who posted it may request the company to repost it (resume transmission), and if no such request is made within three months from the date of suspension, the company may delete it.

(1) The copyrights and other intellectual property rights of postings or works created by the company belong to the company.

(2) The copyright of postings posted by members within the service belongs to the posting member. However, for the operation, exhibition, transmission, distribution, and promotion of the service, the company may use the postings registered by members within a reasonable scope that conforms to fair practices stipulated in the Copyright Act without separate permission from the member, as follows:

  • Replication, modification, adaptation, exhibition, transmission, distribution, and creation of derivative works of member postings within the service, within the scope that does not damage the original work's character
  • Providing and exhibiting the content of member postings to service affiliates such as media and telecommunications companies for promotional purposes. However, in this case, the company shall not provide the member's personal information other than the member's user ID without separate consent.

(3) If the company intends to use member postings in a manner other than stated in the preceding clause, it must obtain the member's consent in advance through methods such as telephone, fax, or email.

(4) In case a member terminates the service agreement, all postings and stored information recorded in their account will be deleted. However, this does not apply to postings that have been reposted, duplicated, or combined with postings from other members and provided to the public or reposted, duplicated, or combined by others.

(1) The company may provide various information necessary for members to use the service to members through methods such as email, letter, post, SMS, or telephone.

(2) For the purpose of service improvement and introducing services to members, the company may collect additional personal information from members in accordance with related laws and regulations upon the member's consent.

(1) Some of the service investment bases through which the company can provide services to members come from revenue generated through advertisement placement. Members agree to the advertisement placement exposed during service usage.

(2) The company is not responsible for any losses or damages incurred by members' participation in promotional activities of advertisers or communication or transactions with advertisers advertised on the service.

6. Termination of Contract and Restrictions on Use

(1) When a member wishes to terminate the service contract, the member must use the "Membership Withdrawal" menu within the service to terminate the registration.

(2) In the event of contract termination, the company will cancel the member's registration in accordance with the NeXways Privacy Policy.

(3) When a member terminates the service contract, the company shall refund the member within 3 months after the termination date, excluding 20% of the remaining usable recharge amount and bank transfer fees, for amounts exceeding 10,000 won. At this time, the member must provide the company with the online account number to receive the refund. The mentioned 20% corresponds to value-added tax, card and account deposit fees, and refund operation fees.

The company may restrict, initialize, terminate the service contract, or take other appropriate measures if a member violates the contents of Articles 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14 of these Terms of Service or falls under any of the following:

(1) If it is confirmed that a service contract was concluded under the name of another person or that the data and information submitted when concluding a service contract were false or omitted.

(2) If the service is used for purposes other than the intended purpose of service provision by the company or leased to a third party without permission.

(3) If the Korea Communications Commission or Korea Internet & Security Agency confirms the illegal transmission of spam and requests termination of the service contract.

(4) If the service usage is suspended due to sending messages with altered sender numbers pursuant to Article 12, Clause 1.

(5) If the reason for the suspension of use recurs within 1 year after suspension under Article 13, Clause 1.

(6) Automatically withdrawn under Article 13, Clause 2.

(7) If the company terminates the service contract pursuant to Clause 1, the user will be notified of this fact. However, if it is difficult to notify in advance, notification may be made after the termination of the service contract.

(8) In order to defer acceptance of a service usage request from a user for whom the service contract has been terminated under Clause 1, the company may retain information such as the website ID, site classification, and payment records for up to 5 years. This applies only to cases with payment history.

(9) Service use may be restricted for the following reasons:

  • Registering false information in member information, or using another person's user ID, password, or other personal information, or trading or providing user IDs to others.
  • Transmitting, posting, or disseminating information, sentences, graphics, sounds, or videos to others through electronic mail or other means, containing vulgar, obscene content or content that infringes on the honor or privacy of others, or violates public order and morality.
  • Harassing or threatening other users or continuously causing pain or inconvenience to specific users.
  • Modifying the company's client program, hacking the company's server, or arbitrarily modifying part or all of the website or posted information.
  • Impersonating the company's staff, employees, or affiliates, or intentionally disrupting the normal operation of the service.
  • When there is a corrective request from related public agencies such as the Korea Communications Standards Commission.
  • No service usage for over a month with a recharge balance of less than 1,000 won.
  • Violating various regulations established by the company, including the Terms of Service, or objectively judged to be associated with crime, or violating various laws.

7. Compensation for damages and other matters

(1) The company and the member must compensate for any damage caused to the other party intentionally or through negligence in connection with the use of the service. However, the Company is not liable for any damages related to the use of the provided services unless it violates the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Policy and does not violate normal practices.

(1) The company shall be exempt from liability for providing services in cases where it is unable to provide services due to force majeure, war, suspension of service by telecommunications operators, and other similar circumstances.

(2) The company shall be exempt from liability for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as maintenance, replacement, regular inspection, construction, etc., of service equipment.

(3) The company shall not be liable for damages caused by computer errors of members or insufficient provision of personal information and email addresses by members.

(4) The company shall not be liable for any failure to obtain or loss of expected profits by members or damages caused by data obtained during the use of the service.

(5) The company shall not be responsible for the reliability, accuracy, or content of various information, data, and facts posted by members on the service. The company shall have no obligation to intervene in disputes between members or between members and third parties mediated through the service, nor shall it be liable for any damages arising therefrom.

(6) The company shall not have the obligation to conduct prior examination of members' postings or to continuously review or verify the content of postings before registration, and shall not be responsible for the results thereof.

(1) In the event that the company notifies a member, it may be done to the email address registered by the member with the company.

(2) If the company needs to notify a large number of unspecified members, it may substitute individual notifications by posting the notice on the bulletin board for at least 3 days.

(1) Matters not specified in this agreement shall be governed by the relevant laws of the Republic of Korea, including the Telecommunications Business Act, and customs.

(2) For fixed-rate service members and other paid service users of the company, separate terms and policies established by the company shall apply to the relevant services.

(3) In the event of a lawsuit arising from disputes related to service use, the Seoul Central District Court in the Republic of Korea shall have jurisdiction.

[Supplementary Provisions] These terms and conditions will be effective from January 1, 2021.

Terms of Use Contact Us

  • e-mail: office@quve.kr
  • phone call: 1644-8974
  • Fax.: 050-4490-6945